Discover the Ultimate Cigar Experience
Immerse yourself in the luxurious ambiance of our exclusive lounge rooms, where comfort meets sophistication. Whether you’re here to unwind or celebrate, our spaces are designed to enhance your cigar enjoyment.
Explore Our Lounge Rooms
Visual Tour of Our Lounges
Our Story
Yellowstone Cigar Company was founded with a passion for providing a premier cigar lounge experience in Eastern Idaho. Our mission is to create a welcoming environment where cigar aficionados can relax and enjoy premium cigars. With five distinct lounge rooms, each designed to offer a unique ambiance, we strive to cater to every taste. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction is at the heart of everything we do, ensuring that every visit is memorable.
Discover Our Luxurious Lounge Rooms
Experience the ultimate in relaxation and comfort at Yellowstone Cigar Company. Our five distinct lounge rooms offer the perfect setting to unwind and enjoy a premium cigar. Whether you’re looking for a cozy corner or a vibrant social space, we have the perfect spot for you. Visit us today or reach out for more details on how you can enjoy our exquisite lounges.