Discover Luxury and Relaxation
Welcome to Yellowstone Cigar Company
Southeast Idaho’s Ultimate Cigar Experience
Featuring a full-size lounge with multiple sitting areas,
a walk-in humidor, a premium selection of cigars,
curated gifts, and cigar accessories.
About Yellowstone Cigar Company
Nestled in the heart of Idaho Falls, Yellowstone Cigar Company stands as Eastern Idaho’s premier cigar lounge. Renowned for our exceptional selection of premium cigars, we offer an unparalleled experience for both seasoned aficionados and newcomers alike. Our mission is to provide a welcoming atmosphere where patrons can unwind and savor the art of cigar smoking. With five distinct lounge rooms, each designed to enhance your enjoyment, we invite you to indulge in the rich tradition of cigar culture.
Our Premium Offerings
Premium Cigars
Discover the art of fine smoking with a meticulously curated selection of outstanding cigars, each meticulously crafted for the true connoisseur who appreciates the finest quality.
Lounge Experience
Relax in one of our five luxurious lounge rooms, each offering a unique ambiance to complement your cigar experience.
Cigar Accessories
Discover our selection of high-quality cigar accessories, from cutters to humidors, designed to enhance your smoking ritual.
(208) 419-0603